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Roe Valley Integrated Primary School Limavady


24th Oct 2024
Primary One and Two had so much fun making potions and spells in our resource area...
24th Oct 2024
This term we have been focusing on games in our P.E.lessons. This week we learnt...
24th Oct 2024
We had great fun joining Gary from Core Kids for his online Hallowe’en Special...
15th Oct 2024
primary one and Two had the best morning exploring Autumn.  We visited our local...
13th Oct 2024
Primary One are having so much fun learning together.  We are exploring new...
13th Oct 2024
Primary One have settled in so well to their new school. Say hello to out new friends...
10th Oct 2024
As part of our theme ‘Hey! Hey! Look at me!’ Primary 2 have been thinking...
10th Oct 2024
Today we had a visit from Corporal Seán who taught us lots about World War...
2nd Oct 2024
We are really enjoying our brand new ICT Suite in our new school. The desktop computers...