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Roe Valley Integrated Primary School Limavady

P2 celebrate Active Literacy Day

15th Jan 2019

P2 had so much fun celebrating Active Literacy Day today. We had a literacy themed play session this morning and enjoyed writing our keywords in shaving foam, fishing for sounds and retelling 'Farmer Duck' using a story sack. We also got to use the Easi-Speak microphones to record ourselves talking about our favourite toy. After snack, our P6 buddies came to visit us. We started our literacy session with a performance of 'Boom Shake the Alphabet' - P6 thought it was very funny! In the afternoon we went outdoors and played 'CVC Relay Races.' It was so much fun trying to find all the CVC words hiding in our playground. To finish our super duper day we sequenced the story of 'Matt & Molly Winter.' A fantastic day was had by all. Enjoy our photographs :)