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Roe Valley Integrated Primary School Limavady

News - Primary 6

2017/2018 School Year

21st Mar 2018
Primary 6 had such great fun during Active STEM day. We carried out a science experiment...
21st Mar 2018
Primary 6 had great fun when we were invited to Limavady High School to take part...
1st Mar 2018
What a blast we had in Primary 6 today to celebrate World Book Day. Many of us started...
14th Feb 2018
As part of our topic we have been looking at Florence Nightingale. We used our creative...
14th Feb 2018
Primary 6 had great fun today learning about Shrove Tuesday. Miss Holmes made...
6th Feb 2018
Well what a buzz there was around Primary 6 today for Safer Internet Day. This...
17th Jan 2018
Primary 6 had a lovely day in school today getting active with Literacy. We had...
17th Jan 2018
Primary 6 had a great time in our recent STEM lesson. We got to try out the rainbow...
22nd Nov 2017
Primary 6 had a fantastic day yesterday getting active with ICT. We had a fun filled...
20th Nov 2017
As part of our year long partnership with the Nerve Centre, Primary 6 got the fantastic...